Monday, April 26, 2010

Bonsai Trimming - Do Not Make These Mistakes!

Bonsai trimming is an important factor in keeping your indoor bonsai alive and happy.  Many people make crucial errors when trimming their bonsai which cause their trees to be vulnerable to disease and ultimately die.  In an effort to help you here are some things you always need to remember when trimming your bonsai:

  1. ALWAYS wipe down your tools before and after use!  This is a crucial one that could make all the difference in the world to the health of your bonsai.  Make sure your tools are clean and dry before and after using them for bonsai trimming.  If you don't, fungus can grow and can cause disease in your bonsai.
  2. Keep your bonsai tools sharp!  The goal here is to make the cleanest, quickest cuts to your bonsai without causing it too much stress.  This is why it is important to keep your tools sharp.
  3. Replace any tools which are broken or do not work properly.  If you can't fix them - toss them!  An improper working bonsai tool can harm your bonsai during bonsai trimming.
  4. Never use ordinary household scissors to trim your bonsai!  Many enthusiasts who are new to bonsai make this error and their trees suffer because of it!  Only use tools specifically made for bonsai trimming to get the best results! Here are the essential tools you will need:  BASIC BONSAI TOOLS
  5. Trim a little at a time.  After the initial trimming of your bonsai - let you bonsai rest for a period of a few weeks.  This will allow your bonsai to heal properly and give it the strength to withstand another pruning.  Plan to prune a little at a time to shape your bonsai.