Saturday, March 27, 2010

Bonsai Gardenia ~ One Of Japan's Treasures!

Whenever you think about bonsai gardenia might not be quite so recognized in this country, however the gardenia is among the most popular varieties in Japan for bonsai, a few others being pine, azalea, maple, and plum. Bonsai is a unique art form with regards to raising shrubs or trees. A mix of proficient trimming and limiting the plant to a compact tray or container keeps it little. A relatively new tree may be trained to look like a tree that has been growing for hundreds of years.

A bonsai gardenia, require very particular care, just like many other varieties of bonsai trees. If you give the proper care this will result in a bonsai tree that can survive for many, many years. In fact, a well maintained bonsai tree could outlive even YOU! The goal is to keep the tree as natural looking as possible only in a miniature form. Many bonsai enthusiasts believe that a bonsai should look as if it had been plucked straight from nature - never being touched by a human hand. While this is the opinion of some - you still can shape your bonsai however you wish.


One of the unique features of the bonsai gardenia is that it will grow beautiful and fragrant flowers just like a normal sized gardenia. You will not see flowers on other bonsai such as pine or ficus. Although the blooms seem, at first look, to be much larger than they should be - in the end it all appears very natural. Gardenia jasminoides and Gardenia thunbergia are two of the most desired species as they are dwarf varieties of gardenia and produce the most successful bonsai specimens.

Bonsai trees, in general, require more attention than your standard every day house plant. The soil needs to be kept moist (but not wet) at all times. Bonsai can very easily die due to over watering. On the other hand, bonsai root systems are much smaller and can easily dry out if not kept moist. So you can see it is a delicate balance that you need to juggle. The gardenia is hardy in zones 7-9 so your bonsai can be grown outdoors in some places around the country. Remember, you bonsai will still need a good deal of attention even though it is growing outside.


There is no particular shape that you need to make your bonsai. Bonsai trees are a reflection of you and the style of bonsai you choose to shape your tree with reflects your own unique personality. Pruning and wiring a bonsai is a labor of love. While you are creating something that is uniquely your own it is important to remember that these trees are delicate and care must be taken in order not to damage a branch or trunk. Once wiring is done - you leave the wire in place for as many as six months to allow the tree to be trained into the shape you desire.

A special note about gardenia bonsai. You should only prune and wire a bonsai gardenia when it is not actively blooming or budding. In fact pruning should only take place immediately after a blooming session as finished. To keep you bonsai small make sure that you not only prune, but that you pinch off new buds.