You will no doubt have many questions about the art of Indoor Bonsai including which bonsai tools are truly necessary for beginners. This hobby can get expensive and it is very easy to go overboard and spend tons of money buying tools that you won't need until you become more advanced in pruning your bonsai trees. It is my intention to give you the low down on the essential indoor bonsai tools you will need right now and discuss why each tool is necessary. So let's get started! You will only need 4 tools to start out with.
CONCAVE PRUNERThe Concave Pruner should be your primary initial purchase. Concave pruners are used to remove branches from indoor bonsai without damaging the tree. They also cut off unwanted branches leaving a concave indentation - thus why they are called concave pruners. The concave indentation helps the indoor bonsai tree heal much more quickly and leaves minimal "knobbing" or unsightly scaring of the trunk. This is the tool you will utilize the most when pruning your indoor bonsai. I suggest you start with the 8 inch size as it is the most manageable and is safe to cut branches up to 1 1/2 inches thick. You can purchase them here:
Indoor Bonsai Tools: Concave Pruner
BUD SCISSORSBud scissors are used to trim buds, leaves and very tiny branches from your indoor bonsai. This tool is mainly used for delicate trimming. Bud scissors have a very short blade which provides superior control. These will allow you to get to the innermost sections of your indoor bonsai tree and allow you to trim with extreme precision. You can purchase them here:
Indoor Bonsai Tools: Bud Scissors (Satsuki Shears)
BONSAI WIRE CUTTERSMany indoor bonsai require "training" to achieve the shape that you want it to have. Bonsai tree training requires using either aluminum or special copper wire which is wrapped around the trunk of your indoor bonsai to give it a particular shape. This process can take time. Once your indoor bonsai has achieved your intended shape you will need bonsai wire cutters to remove the wire from your tree. Bonsai wire cutters are specially designed to cut at the very tip of the blades. This will allow you to cut the wire without damaging your indoor bonsai tree. Do not buy hardware store wire cutters - they WILL seriously mutilate your bonsai tree! You can purchase them here:
Indoor Bonsai Tools: Bonsai Wire Cutters
KNOB CUTTERWhile not the most frequently used tool, the knob cutter is a definite "must have" in your indoor bonsai tool kit. Knob cutters (also known as melon ball cutters) are used to cut the unsightly knobs from your indoor bonsai trunk. It can also be used to trim the roots of your bonsai tree to help it grow better. It's unique shape allows you to take off any bonsai callouses without damaging your indoor bonsai tree. I will warn you - these blades are SHARP! Please use extreme caution when using these. It is also a good idea to make sure you keep your knob cutter wiped free from debris. Because the root area can be a very damp place, you would be advised to wipe down your blades with a rag with lubricating oil to protect your cutter from rust. You can buy them here:
Indoor Bonsai Tools: Knob Cutter
There are 2 other beginner tools you will need soon: Bonsai Scissors and a Single Point Root Rake. We will discuss these more in depth in a future lesson. You can wait to purchase these or you can purchase a set of these plus the 4 basic indoor bonsai tools by clicking here:
Bonsai Tools - Entire Set
Set Includes 6 Tools
Beyond these 6 - there are a multitude of useful tools that can be helpful in specific situations - however these are only 4 you will need to begin your indoor bonsai hobby. Once we begin to get into more advanced bonsai tree care we will go over these new tools. For now just buy your bonsai tools.
There are many places on the web you can buy your bonsai tools - one of the best is Bonsai Boy of NY. Not only do they sell bonsai tools - but they sell just about everything you are going to need to progress in this hobby.
Here's a deal on a Student Bonsai Tool Kit:
Student Bonsai Tool Kit
Get ready for the next article where we will start talking about purchasing your first indoor bonsai tree.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Basic Bonsai Tools 101 for Indoor Bonsai
Posted by Julie at 5:31 PM
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